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【學生宿舍】112學年學生宿舍候補Ⅲ作業相關事項 【Student Dormitory】112th Academic Year(2023~2024) Dormitory Application(StageⅢ)

最後更新日期 : 2023-07-26




  1. 候補Ⅲ登記時間:2023/08/09(三) 12:00至08/17(四) 12:00止。
  2. 宿舍候補登記,需確認已繳清住宿相關欠費
  3. 以個人為申請單位,可選擇三個志願莊別,依登記先後順序安排床位。
  4. 凡候補成功之同學不得提出退宿要求,請同學審慎考慮再做申請。
  5. 為避免影響其他同學床位申請權益,建議同學珍惜已完成申請之床位,若非因不可抗拒原因(不含休、退、轉學或畢業等因素)仍要求放棄床位或退宿者,保證金不予退還,特此提醒與說明。


    1. 床位公告時間:2023/08/30(三) 12:00起,自行至學生宿舍申請系統查詢。
  • 繳交住宿費用:


  • 宿舍入住時間:2023/09/06(三)中午12時起,請持身份證明文件和繳費證明至管理員室辦理入住。


  1. 宿舍床位以填滿床位為原則,學校得視宿舍需求和住宿狀況,由生輔組進行寢室與床位調遷編排。
  2. 寒暑假期間宿舍關閉,有住宿需求者須配合學校公告時程另提申請;另於寒暑假,生輔組為維護宿舍住宿品質,將進行清潔作業及修繕工程;寄放行李之寢室,須配合寄放作業規定置放行李,若無法配合者將不提供寄放服務,個人行李請自行保管。
  3. 行雲莊為寒暑宿莊別,住宿生須配合寒、暑假住宿需求淨空寢室,個人行李依寄放作業規定置放於宿舍提供之空間。
  4. 迎曦莊、沁月莊與行雲莊皆採智慧電力系統,住宿生須以學生證悠遊卡先行儲值電費,以利寢室用電(實際啟用協請依本組公告時間為準)。
  5. 配合學校實施垃圾不落地政策,宿舍公共區域將不放置垃圾筒及資源回收筒,為維護環境衛生應遵守宿舍生活公約。
  6. 攸關個人住宿權益,申請宿舍床位前請務必詳細閱讀住宿相關法規。
  7. 學生宿舍各莊住宿費如下:
  1. 擷雲莊、沁月莊、迎曦莊住宿費$9500/每學期。
  2. 仰山莊、涵星莊、向晴莊住宿費$7500/每學期。
  3. 行雲莊住宿費$10700/每學期。



Dear All,

Three steps of the dormitory application procedure

  1. Sign up online


(1) Registration time: From 2023/08/09 (Wed) 12:00 PM to 2023/08/17 (Thur) 12:00 PM.

(2) Make sure that all accommodation-related outstanding fees have been fully paid.

(3) Each individual student is regarded as an application unit and can set three dormitory rooms as priorities. The results will be determined by application order.

(4) No student is allowed to withdraw the application once being drawn. The deposit is non-returnable if you decide to withdraw the application afterwards for any reason other than graduation, dropping out of the school or some other irresistible reasons.

(5) To protect the accommodation rights of other students, it is recommended that students cherish the assigned bed they have applied for. Unless due to unavoidable circumstances (excluding breaks, withdrawals, transfers, or graduation), requests for giving up the assigned bed or cancelling the accommodation will result in the forfeiture of the deposit. This serves as a reminder and clarification.

2. Announcement of the result


The results and thereby the waiting list will be announced at the dormitory website 2023/08/30 (Wed) 12:00 PM.

 3. Pay the Dormitory fee

Please visit Bank of Taiwan at https://school.bot.com.tw/twbank.net/index.aspx, to print out the bill of dormitory fees. Bring the receipt as the proof of payment to the Dorm Manager so that you may be allowed to move in.

4.Dormitory opening

2023/09/06 (Wed) 12:00 PM, show the receipt as the proof of payment and present your id card to the Dorm Manager when moving in.


1. The dormitory beds are based on the principle of filling up the beds. The school may arrange dormitories and beds according to the needs of the dormitory and the accommodation conditions.

 2. In order to maintain the quality of dormitory, cleaning and repair will be implemented during the summer and winter vacations. A luggage storage area will be provided for residents who need to store their luggage temporarily until the vacation ends.  Residents who fail to adhere to luggage storage rules should refrain from utilizing the service. Please note that the Living Services Division will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your belongings. Store luggage at your own risk.

 3. During the winter and summer vacation, students who live in Dormitory V need to clear out their rooms, for there will be students who need to move in the dormitory. The dormitory will provide residents with an area to store luggage until the vacation-end. 

4. Dormitory V, VI, Smart Card Power System: Dormitory residents must top up with money to their student ID easy card in order to pay for continuous use of electricity.

 5. For being in line with the university's “Keep Trash Off the Ground" policy, garbage/recycling bins will not be provided in public areas in any dormitory. Residents must follow regulations in order to maintain a clean environment.

  6. Please read all the regulations carefully before completing dormitory application.

     7. The dormitory cost are as follows:

        Dormitory 1, 6, 7 are $9500 per semester

        Dormitory 2, 3, 4 are $7500 per semester

        Dormitory 5 are $10700 per semester

For any questions or concerns, please contact: Ms. Chung at 03-8906217.


Your safety, OSA's delight!

Student Living Services Division Office of Student Affairs
