
【學生宿舍】110學年度學生宿舍候補Ⅱ作業相關事項【Student Dormitory】2021-2022 Academic Year Dormitory Application(StageⅡ)

最後更新日期 : 2021-04-23



一、 宿舍候補Ⅱ申請作業 https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/dorm/Login.aspx

(1)申請時間: 2021/4/29(四)12:30起至4/30(五)12:00止。











★1. 行雲莊一、二樓住宿生須配合寒假住宿需求淨空寢室,個人行李依寄放作業規定置放於宿舍提供之空間。















對學生宿舍申請有疑問者,歡迎洽詢余助理03-8906212,鍾助理03-8906217,陳校安 03-8906224

您平安,學務處心安! 學務處生活輔導組

Dear All,

Step 1. Complete the application process https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/dorm/Login.aspx

(1) Application period: 2021/4/29(Thu) 12:30 ~ 4/30(Fri) 12:00

1. The application is done individually, please make sure that your post office or bank information is filled in correctly and that you have paid off any pending dormitory fees.

2. You may choose the room, dormitory, and bed number as you wish.

3. Rooms are on a first come, first served basis.

4. If you want to re-select the room, please operate from 4/29 13:00~3/30 12:00.

Step2. Pay the deposit (2,000 NT) https://school.bot.com.tw/newTwbank/StudentLogin.aspx

1.Payment period: 2021/05/07 12:00 ~ 2021/05/10 24:00.

2.Be sure to pay the deposit during this period, otherwise your application will be cancelled. The reserved space will be released to waiting applicants.

3.The deposit won’t be returned to you if you give up the application afterwards for any reason other than graduation, dropping out of the school or some other inevitable reason


★1、During the winter vacation, students who live on the first and second floor of Dormitory Ⅴ need to clear out their rooms, for there will be students who need to move in the dormitory. The dormitory will provide residents with an area to store luggage until the vacation-end.

2、Dormitory Ⅶ Smart Card Power System: Dormitory residents must top up with money to their student ID easy card in order to pay for electricity and keep continuous use.

3、The dormitory fee is charged by the accommodation types (either semester or winter/summer vacation, etc). The opening and closing dates of the dormitory are in accordance of the university's calendar.

★4、Though the dormitory and room preference is specified by applicants, residents must cooperate with any arrangements made by the Student Living Services Division due to the dormitory accommodation conditions.

5、Residents who need to stay in a dormitory during the summer or winter vacation must apply for the dormitory before the designated deadline.

★6、In order to maintain the quality of dormitory, cleaning and repair will be implemented during the summer and winter vacations. A luggage storage area will be provided for residents who need to store their luggage temporarily until the vacation ends. Residents who fail to adhere to luggage storage rules should refrain from utilizing the service. Please note that the Living Services Division will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your belongings. Store luggage at your own risk.

★7、For being in line with the university's “Keep Trash Off the Ground" policy, garbage/recycling bins will not be provided in public areas in any dormitory. Residents must follow regulations in order to maintain a clean environment.

8、Please read all the regulations carefully before completing dormitory application. For any questions or concerns, please contact assistant Ms. Chung at 03-8906217

Your safety, OSA's delight!

Student Living Services Division Office of Student Affairs
