Responsive Header Example

【109-1交通安全2】花蓮縣吉安鄉南濱路道路拓寬工程持續進行,請注意行車安全!Nanbin Road (Taiwan 11 Line) is currently still under construction. Please pay attention to traffic and stay safety.

最後更新日期 : 2020-11-25






Dear Students and Staff:

       Due to the ongoing road work and the traffic accidents of Nanbin Road, , Ji'an Township, Hualien County. please follow the rules:

1. Using mass transit vehicles and shuttlebus instead of riding a motorcycle.
2. Nanbin Road (Taiwan 11 Line) is currently under construction. Please be sure to slow down when passing this section, and pay attention to traffic and stay safety. If you need to go to or back from the city, please use the 9 line as much as possible.
3. Always wear a helmet when using the motorcycle, and slow down when you are passing through the roads in construction. Pay attention to the temporary moving line signs and marking lights, especially when the line of sight is bad at night or in raining day.

Your safety, OSA’s delight

Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs
